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太阳会常常被云彩遮挡而无法看见,尽管如此 ,只要仰望天空,肯定会有太阳从云彩的空隙中放出光芒的时候到来!


裕廊飞禽公园 Jurong Bird Park

  因为要到新加坡玩,昨天同事送了一本2001年第一版印刷的由新加坡旅游局派送给游客的《新加坡旅游指南》,我粗粗翻阅了一下,留意了一下自己比较感兴趣的主题,结果却发现一件非常搞笑的事,那就是裕廊飞禽公园的英文翻译印刷错误,应为“Jurong BirdPark”变成了“Jurong BridPark”,如果在“Brid”后面加上一个e就变成裕廊新娘公园了,不过也难怪我们到裕廊飞禽公园的web上瞄一眼就会发现有Wedding一栏,里面的pp非常的漂亮。

Birds of Paradise 天堂鸟

Jurong BirdPark offers a lovely ringside view of the Birds of Paradise, all thanks to a 40m long tree-top level walkway which offers a completely unobtrusive view of the birds since there are no wire mesh separating the visitor from the birds. Perfect for peering into Paradise.

Birds of Paradise is the best place to observe these birds as they enter the mating season with fabulously-coloured plumage and intricate courtship behaviour.

View also the 12-Wired Birds of Paradise (so named due to the 12 wired projections protruding from its tail) bred for the first time in the world by the Park.

Hornbills and Toucans Exhibit 犀鸟
  犀鸟分布在非洲及亚洲南部,喜欢栖息在密林深处的参天大树上,啄食树上的果实,有时也捕食昆虫。爬行类、两栖类等小型的动物。犀鸟吃东西时,往往先用嘴将食物向上抛起,然后在用嘴准确的接件,吞下食物。在西双版纳的密林中,身型庞大的犀鸟,飞行速度较慢,飞翔时翅膀发出极大的声响,就像天上过飞机一样,而且停落在树顶时,不时地发出响亮而粗历的鸣叫   犀鸟是一种珍贵而漂亮的鸟类,一般寿命在30-40岁左右,最高寿的可达50岁。我国的犀鸟大多生活在云南西部和南部,以及广西南部,共有4个种分别是:双角犀鸟、冠斑犀鸟、白喉犀鸟、棕颈犀鸟,均被列为国家二级保护动物。

Covering an area of 2,000m², this exhibit houses the world’s largest collection of Southeast Asian hornbills and a wide variety of South American toucans. The 25 large aviaries measuring some 10m in height are landscaped to simulate the birds’ natural habitat. These spacious aviaries provide a conducive environment for them to display their natural behaviour and also breed in captivity.

The BirdPark has considerable success in breeding hornbills. In fact, the Park recorded the world’s first successful hatching of the Black Hornbill, Southern Pied Hornbill and Great Pied Hornbill in captivity. For visitors to the BirdPark, the sheer beauty of these birds with their colourful and magnificent bills, is a sight not to be missed.Get close and personal to hornbills.

Jungle Jewels 唐纳雀、伞鸟、蜜旋木雀、针尾鸭
  伞鸟产于美洲,属雀形目,伞鸟科,伞鸟属。全世界大约有90多种。许多种伞鸟外貌和习性像鹟,有些生物学家把它们归类于霸鹟。伞鸟科的一些鸟类色彩鲜艳,叫声奇特。有些像铃声。有些 像牛鸣;有些像是在敲榔头。有些叫声连续不断,被人称为饶舌鸟。它们都有一张宽而扁的喙,喙尖有点钩。翅膀是圆形的,腿较短。许多伞鸟的翅膀形状也很古怪,有的狭窄,有的弯曲。多数伞鸟喜欢孤独。它们栖息在森林中,爱站在树梢上,以食水果和昆虫为生。由于伞鸟行为怪癖,所以我们对伞鸟的一些种类了解不多。

The design of Jungle Jewels walk-in aviary creates an environment where visitors can observe at close proximity a fraction of the amazing diversity and complexity of the South American rainforest.

High in the treetops live fruit-eating birds like the tanagers and cotingas. In the lower levels, honeycreepers and finches are more common. On the forest floor and streams live the waterbirds like teals and pintails.

Parrot Paradise 鹦鹉
  鹦鹉中体形最大的当属紫蓝金刚鹦鹉,身长可达100cm,分布在南美的玻利维亚和巴西。虽然在某些地区常见,但人们为盈利而大量诱捕,已使它们面临严重威胁。最小的是生活在马来半岛、苏门答腊、婆罗洲一带的蓝冠短尾鹦鹉 ,身长仅有12cm,这些小精灵携带巢材的方式很特别,不是用那弯而有力的喙,而是将巢材塞进很短的尾羽中,同类的其他的情侣鹦鹉/url],也是用这种方式携材筑巢的。
Parrot Paradise, a one-hectare exhibit showcases more than 500 parrots from 110 species.

The aviaries are designed to simulate as closely as possible the parrots’ natural habitats with the help of beautiful hand-painted murals, as well as the natural vegetation.
Although parrots are typically long-lived and can live up to 50 years in captivity, many species have become extinct or are in danger of doing so. This is the reason why special provisions have been made to encourage the breeding of parrots in captivity at the Parrot Paradise. So far, the Park has successfully bred 60 different species of the parrots in its collection.

Pelican Cove 鹈鹕

A Cosmopolitan Colony of Pelicans
What an odd collection of contradictions the pelican is! It has an enormous bill but can nimbly use it, and its heavy walk gives way to superb flight and graceful swimming. Come see some of nature's most curious birds at Pelican Cove.

The Jurong BirdPark brings you the world's most complete collection of pelicans in the world at Pelican Cove, where all 7 species of pelicans can be found.
Highlights of Pelicon Cove
* World's FIRST underwater viewing gallery for pelicans, diving for their fish during feeding time
* Stroll along the boardwalk that brings you up-close and personal to the birds
* Have fun finding out more about these big birds from the interactive signages
* Marvel at the different fishing techniques of these master 'fisherbirds'.
* Unique venue for evening incentive events
* Take the air-conditioned Panorail that dips to water level for a rare ride through a pelican colony

Penguin Expedition 企鹅!企鹅!两眼放光ing
  皇企鹅Aptenodytes forsteri:身高一米以上,体重可超过30千克,是唯一在南极大陆沿岸一带过冬的鸟类,并在冬季繁殖,皇企鹅每次只产一枚卵,孵化时由雄企鹅将其放在两脚的蹼上并用肚皮盖住,此其间,雄企鹅停止进食,完全靠脂肪维持生命,直到幼企鹅孵出,其体重可减轻1/3。

  巴布亚企鹅Pygoscelis papua :又叫金图企鹅,分布于南极半岛和南大洋中的岛屿岛屿上
阿德里企鹅Adelie Penguin :数量最多的企鹅,可在南极见到大规模的群体,游荡于南极有浮冰的水域。
  南极企鹅Pygoscelis antarctica :又叫帽带企鹅,主要分布于南极一带,有时游荡到南极以外。

  凤冠企鹅: 分布于新西兰一带。响弦角企鹅,分布于新西兰的斯内斯群岛。竖冠企鹅,分布于新西兰一带水域。史氏角企鹅,分布于澳大利亚的麦阔里岛。冠企鹅,分布于南美洲南部及南大洋一带。长冠企鹅,分布于南大洋一带及亚南极地区。


  白鳍企鹅属(Eudyptula):有两种,是最小型的企鹅。小鳍脚企鹅、白翅鳍脚企鹅。小鳍脚企鹅Eudyptula minor:又叫仙企鹅,分布于澳大利亚到新西兰一带,其中澳大利亚菲利浦岛的小鳍脚企鹅每年9-10月下午8:05准时登陆,成为一大奇观。白翅鳍脚企鹅:分布于新西兰南岛东部,有时被并入小鳍脚企鹅。

Occupying 1,630 square metres, Penguin Expedition is home to endearing penguins. The five species on exhibit are the Humboldt, the Rockhopper, the Macaroni, the Fairy and the majestic King Penguin.

The Penguin Expedition, with a temperature of 16 degrees Celsius, has a large pool set against a landscape of rocks, cliffs, nesting alcoves and burrows.

A special lighting system recreates the four seasons to enable the penguins to maintain their bio-rhythm. Visitors at the exhibit will be treated to a vast panoramic view of these fascinating birds ‘flying’ underwater through a specially constructed viewing gallery, which has a 30-metre long window. Catch these birds in action at their feeding times and they will certainly enthrall you.

Royal Ramble 蓝冠鸽
  成群结队栖息於森林地带。主食果实、种籽及昆虫。在离地6 ~ 7公尺的树上筑大型的鸽巢 ,每窝只产蛋1枚,约28 ~ 29天出雏,30 ~ 36天即可离巢飞翔,是鸠鸽科中体型最大者。
A 40-metre long walkway takes you right through the enclosure, featuring the Crowned Pigeons, the largest pigeons in the world. There are railings to lean and benches to sit on, all designed for a leisurely encounter with these birds who are often mistaken for miniature peafowls.
Named after the Crowned Pigeons' noble looks and regal walk, Royal Ramble offers an unobtrusive view of the largest pigeons in the world. Whether the birds are rambling on the ground, or roosting in the treetops, you'll be privy to their lacy crowns and elaborate plumage, funny sunbathing poses and intricate courtship behaviour of bows and deep vocalisation. If you are lucky, one might just decide to display its courtship ceremony to you. This is how intimate an encounter the BirdPark is offering you.

Southeast Asia Birds Aviary 织布鸟
Southeast Asia is home to over 1,000 species of birds from a global total of 8,500 species. The Jurong BirdPark has a collection of about 260 Southeast Asian species; one of the world’s largest collection.

The Southeast Asian Birds Aviary is a showcase of the region’s exotic and endangered species. The exhibit concentrates some 100 species of birds in a group of aviaries built under a series of A-framed structures. It has a large walk-in aviary in the centre where birds fly freely. Visitors will be able to admire the birds’ rarely seen beauty, listen to their beautiful songs and watch them as they would live in the wild. Tucked away at the bottom of the A-frames by the sides of the winding walkway, are individual aviaries that house the more delicate, endangered or territorial birds.

The Riverine
The Riverine is a simulated freshwater river habitat featuring various species of waterfowl, fishes and turtles. It gives visitors an intimate underwater view of more than 20 duck species, through an 11 metre wide glass-viewing gallery. Filled with clear recycled water from the Park’s very own industrial water treatment plant, The Riverine gives the illusion of a fast-flowing and cascading river where visitors have the unique opportunity to see these waterfowl swimming and diving.
The visitor’s gallery area has a seating capacity for 24 persons where they can rest and observe the diving birds in action.

Waterfall Aviary 蕉鹃、食蜂鸟
This two-hectare Waterfall Aviary remains as the world’s largest walk-in aviary with the highest man-made waterfall standing at over 30 metres. It is home for some 1,500 free-flying birds from Africa and South America, and provides visitors with a unique opportunity to watch them roost, bathe, feed and even raise their young in their nests. Set in a valley, the Aviary is landscaped with 10,000 exotic plants comprising 125 species of trees, bamboo, palms and ground-cover vegetation to simulate a tropical rain forest. In addition, an artificial 8-m tall tree moulded from an actual 100-year-old Barking Deer’s Mango tree has also been planted to enhance the rainforest landscape.

Visitors can stroll along shaded walkways and enjoy the rainforest experience, which comes complete with mysterious bird calls, a rambling waterfall, and mist profusing along gorges. A rustic suspension bridge offers a breath-taking view of the waterfall while two observation posts at the top offer grand views of the Aviary.

A thrilling encounter is the feeding of the bee-eaters and starlings in all shades of blue as they hunt after their food – grasshoppers, crickets, worms and other insects – which are released during feeding times. You can get to feed the birds too!

The Aviary is accessible both by foot and the Park’s air-conditioned Panorail train. The latter is, however, a more dramatic way of arriving at the Aviary. In fact, the Park scored a first in the world when it incorporated a Panorail Station inside a walk-in aviary.

World of Darkness 猫头鹰

The World of Darkness, Asia’s first nocturnal bird house, opened in 1982. A system of reverse lighting enables day to be converted into night and vice-versa.

Visitors will have the impression that they are walking along a quiet star-lit jungle path at night, watching the birds in their natural habitats as their haunting calls beckon. The Night Herons and Fish Owls in their mangrove swamps, Snowy Owls on ice-capped mountains, and other nocturnal birds provide a veritable feast for the eyes in the quiet stillness of the ‘night’!




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