修正液晶屏上的亮点!Fix a Stuck Pixel On Your Screen!
方法一:挤压法(Pressure Method)
1. Turn off your computer's monitor.关掉你的电脑显示器。
2. Get yourself a damp washcloth, so that you don't scratch your screen.拿块湿毛巾,防止你的(指甲)刮伤屏幕。
3. Take a household pen, pencil, screwdriver, or some other sort of instrument with a focused, but relatively dull, point.取一块普通的笔、铅笔、螺丝起子或者其他同类有尖头但是相对钝一点的工具。
4. Fold the washcloth to make sure you don't accidentally puncture it and scratch the screen.把毛巾包上(4中提到的工具)确保你不会戳破、刮伤屏幕。
5. Apply pressure through the folded washcloth with the instrument to exactly where the stuck pixel is. Try not to put pressure anywhere else, as this may make more stuck pixels.把包上湿毛巾的工具对准亮点处压下去,不要到随处乱压,否则可能会弄出更多的亮点。
6. While applying pressure, turn on your computer and screen.在施压的同时,开启你的计算机和屏幕。
7. Remove pressure and the stuck pixel should be gone. 移开工具,亮点就消失了。
方法二:敲击法(Tapping Method)
1. Turn on the computer and LCD screen.打开电脑和液晶屏。
2. Display a black image, which will show the stuck pixel very clearly against the background. (It is very important that you are showing a black image and not just a blank signal, as you need the backlighting of the LCD to be illuminating the back of the panel).电脑背景选用纯黑色的图片,这样就能清晰显示屏幕中的亮点。(注:因为你需要借助液晶屏的逆光照亮平板的背面,所以用纯黑的图象作为桌面背景而不是黑色的标记相当重要)
3. Find a pen with a rounded end. A Sharpie marker should be fine for this.找一支圆头笔,马克笔是不错的选择。
4. Use the rounded end of the pen to gently tap where the stuck pixel is - not too hard to start with, just enough to see a quick white glow under the point of contact. If you didn't see a white glow, then you didn't tap hard enough, so use just slightly more pressure this time.用笔的圆头部位轻轻敲击亮点所在位置,一开始不要太激烈,在该点所在位置看到有白光闪过即可。如果你没有看到白光,那就是刚才的敲击不到位,这次用稍微重一点的压力再试试。
5. Start tapping gently. Increase the pressure on the taps gradually for 5-10 taps until the pixel rights itself.开始轻轻的敲打,在5-10次敲击后慢慢加大力度知道亮点恢复正常。
6. Display a white image (an empty text document is good for this) to verify that you haven't accidentally caused more damage than you fixed. 打开一张白色的图片(空白文档是不错的选择)以确信你没有意外得(对液晶屏)造成起比修正之前更多的损害。
方法三:软件法(Software Method)
1. Try running pixel fixing software. Stuck pixels can often be re-energised by rapidly turning them on and off. 用亮点修正激活软件来修正。通过把亮点快读的开关能把亮点激活。
这个网站提供online的修复,但是要装一下JAVA,点击网页上的那个“ Launch JScreenFix" 按钮会弹出一个窗口,把窗口放在你的亮点处,根据网站的介绍只要连续20分钟就会见效。
* Many people report success with this technique but these instructions won't work in every case. It may take a few attempts to make sure you are pressing exactly on the dead pixel.
* These instructions will fix "stuck" pixels, not "dead" ones. Dead pixels appear black while stuck pixels can be one constant color like red, blue or green.
* An alternative, but similar technique involves gently massaging the stuck pixel with a warm damp (NOT WET) soft cloth.
* If these instructions don't work, you can hopefully get the monitor replaced through your manufacturer.
* Some people claim that touching the screen can cause more pixels to become stuck, although this has not been proven.